Wayne Barringer, KAG0370, KB6UJW, CREST 94, died May 19th as a result of Pancreatic Cancer he was having treatment for since last January.

Obviously, it was an aggressive case.

Wayne retired as a Master Gunnery Sargent from the USMC and was very active with CalFire as a P.I.O. along with other collateral duties. 

“WE” would often joke when discussing team matters that “WE” stood for Wayne and Ed. Ed was V.P. when Wayne was president.

He was an important spoke in our wheel during our 2005 REACT International Convention we hosted in Corona and was Editor for our “CREST NUZ”. In October, 2000, we received a “Thank You” letter from a motorist Wayne assisted on the radio. This was the second citizen commendation Wayne received for his work.

He founded the V-C-N.org and was very active in disaster preparedness. He updated our current CREST logo even without being asked. He was an active Amateur Radio Operator involved in RACES. Wayne designed and printed our team FOG (Field Operations Guide). Wayne is survived by his wife Hiroko (former CREST member Unit 194)

Funeral arrangements were at the Riverside National Cemetery with full military honors. CREST Unit 94 is retired.